Essays in Refereed Journals

2023. ‘The Dogs Bark, the Carnival Moves On. Revisiting Zygmunt Bauman, Modernity and the Holocaust’. Studia Litteraria et Historica, in press. 

2022 with Supski, 'Reading for the Flavor of Life and Labor: Four Social/ist Realist Novels in Twentieth Century Australia', Journal of Narrative Theory, 52/3, 336-357.

2022 with Hogan, 'Places We Been', Thesis Eleven 172, 182-8.

2022 with Heller, 'Why We Should Maintain the Socialist Objective', Thesis Eleven, 171, 91-101.

2022. ‘From Capitalism to Modernity and Back: Adventures with the Budapest School’. EdukacjaFilozoficzna,74. 231-8.

2020 'Last Bauman/Lost Bauman', Thesis Eleven, 159, 128-32.2020. ‘How did Paul Cardan become Cornelius Castoriadis?’ Thesis Eleven 161, pp. 101-107.

2020. ‘Remembering Castoriadis’, Thesis Eleven 161, pp. 5-13

2020. ‘Bauman in China’ with Qin Jiayang (Sichuan University) Thesis Eleven 159, pp. 110-127.

2020. ‘Onkel Max’, Max Weber Studies 20/2.

2019 ‘David Roberts Meets the Switchman – A Footnote to the Total Work of Art’, Thesis Eleven 152: 69-75.

2018. ‘The Decline of the West?’, Thesis Eleven 149, pp. 100-103.

2018. ‘Lunch with Bauman’, Thesis Eleven 149, pp. 84-85.

with Supski and Macainsh, G. 2018. ‘From Sharpies to Skyhooks’, Thesis Eleven 144, pp. 117-132.

2018. ‘The Legacy of Zygmunt Bauman’, Journal of Sociology, 54: 3, pp. 294-99.

2017. ‘The Roots of Radicalism’, Thesis Eleven, 138, pp. 140-2

2017. ‘Provincializing Frankfurt?’ American J Cultural Sociology, June, pp. 1-7.

2017. ‘Bauman and Heller – Two Views of Modernity and Culture’, Comparative Literature: East and West, 1/1, pp. 51-60.

2017. ‘Zygmunt Bauman and Thesis Eleven’, Thesis Eleven, 142, pp. 3-4.

2017. ‘The Power of Culture, and response to critics’, Prace Kulturoznawcze, 20, pp. 19-28, pp. 43-46.

With Fu Qilin, 2017. ‘The Conference on East European Marxist Aesthetics’, Thesis Eleven 142, pp. 56-68.

with Sian Supski 2017. ‘A Sociology of Caravans’, Thesis Eleven, 142, pp. 34-43.

with Sian Supski 2016. ‘A Tale in Two Cities’, Thesis Eleven, pp. 136 20-30.

with Sian Supski 2016. ‘Finding Ivan Vladislavic’, Thesis Eleven, 136, pp. 5-19.

with Sian Supski 2016. ‘Writing Sideways’, Thesis Eleven, 136, pp. 3-4.

with Jon Stratton, 2016. ‘Mapping Western Australia’, Thesis Eleven, 135, pp. 3-13.

2016. ‘All That is Solid …Maelstrom and Modernity in Zygmunt Bauman’, Revue Internationale de Philosophie, 3, 291-304

2016. ‘From Marx to Gramsci to Us’, Thesis Eleven, 132, pp. 77-86

2013. ‘Placing Robert Hughes: a promissory note’, Thesis Eleven, Vol. 117, No. August, pp.117-126.

2013. ‘Daniel Bell - American Menshevik’, Thesis Eleven, Vol. 118, No. 1, pp.64-71.

2013. ‘Bernard Smith: The quality of marxism’, Thesis Eleven, Vol. 114, No. February, pp.94-102.

2012. (with Clinton J. Walker and Trevor Hogan) Rock ‘n’ Labels: Tracking the Australian Recording Industry in ‘The Vinyl Age’. Part Two: 1970-1995, and After’ Thesis Eleven, 110, June: 112-131.

2012. (with Clinton J. Walker and Trevor Hogan)  ‘Rock ‘n’ Labels: Tracking the Australian Recording Industry in ‘The Vinyl Age. Part One: 1945-1970’ Thesis Eleven, 109, April: 71-88.

2012. ‘Rock Lobster – Lobby Loyde and the History of Rock Music in Australia’, Thesis Eleven, no. 109.

2012. ‘Bernard Smith 1916-2011. Marxism and Politics’, ArtMonthly, June: 68.

2011. ‘To love and be loved: Janina Bauman’s ordinary life’, with Sian Supski, Thesis Eleven, no. 107, pp. 101­–105.

2011. ‘Prehistoric modes of textual production’, Alternatives, vol. 36, no. 1, pp 25–31.

2009. ‘Therapy with Bauman’, Anthropological Psychology, vol. 21, pp.10­12.

2009. ‘Writing the History of Twentieth Century Communism’, Twentieth Century Communism: a journal of international history, vol. 1, pp. 153­–155.

2009. ‘From Sociology to Culture, via Media - Some Thoughts from the Antipodes’, The American Sociologist, vol. 40, pp. 228­–232.

2008. ‘Ghettos and Anti-Ghettos: An interview with Loic Wacquant’, Thesis Eleven, no. 94, pp. 113–118.

2008. ‘Australian Settlements’, Thesis Eleven, no. 95, pp. 58–­67.

2007. ‘Lobby and Me’, Thesis Eleven, no. 91, pp. 104–­106.

2007. ‘Australia and New Zealand - looking backward, looking forward and the parting of ways’, New Zealand Sociology, vol. 22, pp. 315–324.

2006. ‘Calhoun’s Social Science’, Thesis Eleven, no. 84, pp. 133–140.

2006. ‘Two New Britannias: Modernism and Modernity across the Antipodes’, ACH: The Journal of the History of Culture in Australia, Vol. 25, pp. 143–156.

2006. ‘The Worlds We Create’, Polish Sociological Review, Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne, pp. 325–336.

2006. ‘Ends and Rebirths: An Interview with Daniel Bell’, Thesis Eleven, no. 84, pp. 93–103.

2006. ‘Zygmunt Bauman – To Build Anew’, Thesis Eleven, no. 86, pp. 86–107.

2005. ‘La Modernidad de Bauman’, Anthropos, no. 206, pp. 72–89.

2005. ‘Australia: The Unhappy Country, or, A Tale of Two Nations’, Thesis Eleven, no. 82, pp. 73–87.

2004. ‘The Worlds We Create: Bauman Meets Foucault, and some others’, Budhi, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 245–261.

2004. ‘Reading Zygmunt Bauman’, Marxism and Reality, vol. 69, no. 2, pp. 99–107, (in Chinese).

2004. ‘Rewriting Australia: the way we talk about fears and hopes’, Journal of Sociology, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 432–445.

2004. ‘Looking Back: Marx and Bellamy’, The European Legacy, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 597–604.

2003. ‘Budapest Central – Agnes Heller’s Theory of Modernity’, Thesis Eleven, no. 75, pp. 108–113.

2003. ‘George Seddon and Karl Marx: Nature and Second Nature’, Thesis Eleven, no. 74, pp. 21–34.

2003. ‘The Antipodes: Another Civilization, Between Manhattan and the Rhine?’, Nexus, October, pp. 5–7.

2002. ‘The Antipodes: Another Civilization, Between Manhattan and the Rhine’, New Zealand Sociology, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 164–178.

2002. ‘Leer a Zygmunt Bauman’, Acta Sociológica, no. 35, pp. 125–145.

2002. ‘Modernity and Communism: Zygmunt Bauman and the Other Totalitarianism’, Thesis Eleven, no. 70, pp. 88–99.

2002. ‘Rewriting Australia’, Budhi, nos. 2 and 3, pp. 37–49.

2001. ‘Tocqueville in the Antipodes? Middling through in Australia, then and now’, Thesis Eleven, no. 65, pp. 51–64.

2001. ‘The Prosthetic Fetish – Worlds we are losing’, New Zealand Sociology, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 7–9.

2001. ‘Australian Civilization and its Discontents’, Thesis Eleven, no. 64, pp. 65–76.

1998. ‘Thinking Within Pacific Horizons’, Thesis Eleven, no. 55, pp. iii–xiv.

1998. ‘Reading Zygmunt Bauman: Looking for Clues’, Thesis Eleven, no. 55, pp. 25–36. Reprinted in Beilharz (ed) Zygmunt Bauman, 2002, vol. 1, pp. 3–14.

1997. ‘Counting Memories? Revisiting Bauman, Reading Wright’, Political Theory Newsletter, no. 9, pp. 3–10. Reprinted in Beilharz (ed), Zygmunt Bauman, 2002, vol. 4, pp. 3–12.

1996. ‘Negation and Ambivalence: Marx, Simmel and Bolshevism on Money’, Thesis Eleven, no. 47, pp. 21–32.

1996. ‘Citizens of Cities’, Thesis Eleven, no. 46, pp. 89–95.

1996. ‘Socialism After Communism: Liberalism?’, The European Legacy, MIT Press, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 538–544.

1996. ‘Australian Laborism, Social Democracy and Social Justice into the 1990s’, Social Justice, vol. 23, nos. 1–2, pp. 338–351.

1995. ‘Between Totalitarianism and Postmodernity’, Political Theory Newsletter, no. 7, pp. 51–59.

1995. ‘Social Theory in Australia: A Roadmap for Tourists’, Thesis Eleven, no. 43, pp. 120–133.

1995. ‘Ferenc Feher and Political Theory’, Thesis Eleven, no. 42, pp. 1–9.

1994. ‘Bernard Smith – Imagining the Antipodes’, Thesis Eleven, no. 38, pp. 93–103.

1994. ‘The Fabian Imagination’, History of European Ideas, London, no. 19, pp. 1–3 and 285–291.

1993. ‘John Anderson and the Syndicalist Moment’, Political Theory Newsletter, no. 5, pp. 5–13.

1993. ‘The Young Evatt – Labor’s New Liberal’, Australian Journal of Politics and History, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 160–170.

1992. ‘Fabianism and Marxism: Sociology and Political Economy’, Australian Journal of Political Science, vol. 27, pp. 137–146.

1991. ‘Gains and Losses: Australian Communism in Retrospect’, Webbers, Melbourne, no. 3, pp.76–83.

1991. ‘Poverty and Social Theory’, Melbourne Journal of Politics, no. 20, pp. 86–94.

1991. ‘Welfare and citizenship in Australia after World War Two’, The Australian Quarterly, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 287–293

1991. ‘Heroes and Pedestrians: Social Theory in Sociology’, La Trobe Sociology Paper, no. 17.

1991. ‘The Young Trotsky: Waiting for History’, Political Theory Newsletter, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 101–112.

1990. ‘Australian Radical Scholarship in the Wake of Marxism’, Political Theory Newsletter, no. 2, pp. 1–9.

1990. ‘The End of Australian Communism’, Thesis Eleven, no. 27, pp. 54–62.

1990. ‘The Life and Times of Social Democracy’, Thesis Eleven, no. 26, pp. 78–94.

1989. ‘Australian Labourism, Social Democracy and Social Justice’, Social Justice, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 15–29.

1989. ‘Social Democracy and Social Justice’, ANZJS, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 85–99.

1987. ‘Reading Politics: Social Theory and Social Policy’, ANZJS, vol. 23, no. 3, November, pp. 388–406.

1986. ‘The Left, the Accord and the Future of Socialism’, Thesis Eleven, no. 13, pp. 5–21.

1986. ‘The Discourse of Labourism’, with R. Watts, Arena, no. 77, pp. 96–109.

1986. ‘Trotsky as Historian’, History Workshop Journal, no. 20, pp. 37–55.

1986. ‘Isaac Deutscher: History and Necessity’, History of Political Thought, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 376–384.

1985/86. ‘The Australian Left – Beyond Labourism?’, Socialist Register, pp. 210–232.

1985. ‘Theorizing the Middle Class’, Arena, no. 72, pp. 92–105.

1983. ‘Labour and Socialism in Australia’, Thesis Eleven, no. 7, pp. 163–170.

1981. ‘Marxism from the Sixties to the Eighties’, with A. Davidson, Mirai, Tokyo, nos. 2–3, pp. 7–11 and 37–43 (in Japanese).

1981. ‘The Other Trotsky’, Thesis Eleven, no. 3, pp. 106–113.

1981. ‘Marxism and History’, Thesis Eleven, no. 2, pp. 7–22.

1979. ‘Trotsky’s Marxism: Permanent Involution’, Telos, no. 39, pp. 137–152.

Chapters in Books

2023 with Wolff , 'Introduction: The Photographs of Zygmunt Bauman', in Beilharz and Wolff , eds The Photographs of Zygmunt Bauman, Manchester University Press, forthcoming.

2023 'Figures, Images, Spaces :The Place of Photography', in Beilharz and Wolff, eds The Photographs of Zygmunt Bauman, Manchester University Press, forthcoming.

2023 'Zygmunt Bauman - Weberian Marxist ?' in M H Jacobsen, ed. The Anthem companion to Zygmunt Bauman, Anthem, forthcoming.

2022. ‘The Marxist Legacy’, (different essay) in G Delanty and S Turner (eds) Routledge International Handbook of Contemporary Social and Political Theory, London, Routledge, pp. 71-83.

2021. ‘The Marxist Legacy’, Kivisto, P. ed. The Cambridge Handbook of Social Theory, Volume 1: A Contested Canon, Cambridge UP, pp. 65-83.

2020. ‘Noel Counihan’ biography entry, in Comrades, Lives of Australian Communists, Sydney. Search Foundation. [‘Alastair Davidson’; ‘Bernard Smith’ biography entries online

2019. ‘Recovering Marx: Steps Towards a Breakdance’, in Gupta, Musto, Amini, eds. Karl Marx’s Life, Ideas and Influences, Palgrave.

2019. ‘Modern and Postmodern’, Routledge Handbook of Cultural Sociology, Eds. John Hall et al, Revised ed, Routledge.

2018. ‘Due North’, in Zagala M., ed. Ian North. Art/Work/Words, Adelaide, AGSA, pp. 43-48.

2018. ‘Marx and Aesthetic Value’, in Butler, R and Palmer, S., eds., Antipodean Perspectives, Monash UP, pp. 243-246.

2017. ‘The Budapest School – Travelling Theory?’, The Budapest School, Ed. J Rundell, London: Routledge, pp. 15-33.

2017. ‘Bernard, Wordsmith’, The Legacies of Bernard Smith, Eds. J. Anderson et al, Sydney: Power Institute, pp. 129-139.

2014. ‘Critical Theory and the New University’, in Through a Glass Darkly: The Social Sciences look at the Neoliberal University, Ed. Margaret Thornton, Canberra: ANU Press, pp. 37-48.

2013. ‘From the Holocaust to Communism and Universalism: A Triptych for Robert Manne’, State of the Nation, Ed. Gwenda Tavan, Melbourne, Black Inc, pp. 295-300.

2013. ‘Conclusion: Liquid Sociology’, Liquid Sociology: Metaphor in Zygmunt Bauman’s Analysis of Modernity, Ed. Mark Davis, UK and USA, Ashgate, pp. 219-229.

2012. (with Trevor Hogan) ‘The Australian Settlement in the New Century’ in Sociology: Antipodean Perspectives. Edited with Peter Beilharz. Melbourne: Oxford University Press. 2nd edition.

2012. (with Trevor Hogan) ‘The Peculiar Path of Australian Modernity’ in Sociology: Antipodean Perspectives. Edited with Peter Beilharz. Melbourne: Oxford University Press. 2nd edition.

2012. ‘Antipodean Mapping’ in Sociology: Antipodean Perspectives. Edited with Peter Beilharz. Melbourne: Oxford University Press. 2nd edition.

2012. ‘The Sixties and Seventies’ in Sociology: Antipodean Perspectives. Edited with Peter Beilharz. Melbourne: Oxford University Press. 2nd edition.

2011. ‘Zygmunt Bauman’, in Ritzer (ed), Major Social Theorists, Blackwell, London, Volume 2, pp 155–174.

2011. ‘Modernity in Motion’, in Hage and Kowal (eds), Force, Movement, Intensity, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, pp 55–65.

2011. ‘The Marxist Legacy’, in Delanty and Turner (eds), The Routledge International Handbook of Contemporary Social and Political Theory, Routledge, London, pp 33–44.

2010. ‘Another Bauman: The Anthropological Imagination’, in M. Davis , K.Tester eds . Bauman’s Challenge, London , Palgrave , pp.62-69.

2010. ‘Zygmunt Bauman (1925-)’, From Agamben to Zizek: Contemporary Critical Theorists, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.

2010. ‘Modern and Postmodern’, in Hall et al. (eds), Handbook of Cultural Sociology, Routledge, London.

2010. ‘Thesis Eleven Journal’, in Opie and Drakakis (eds), A Companion to Philosophy in Australia and New Zealand, Monash University Press, Melbourne.

2009. ‘Introduction’, Socialism and Modernity, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, pp. 7–19.

2009. ‘Socialism and America’, Socialism and Modernity, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, pp.189–200.

2009. ‘Communism Party of Australia’, International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest, in Ness, (ed), Blackwell, pp. 822–823.

2009. ‘Australian Left’ International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest, in Ness, (ed), Blackwell, pp. 316–317.

2009. with Ellem, ‘Placing Utopia: Some Classical Images’, in Hayden and El-Ojeili (eds), Globalization and Utopia: Critical Essays, Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 13–27.

2009. ‘Agnes Heller’s Theory of Modernity’, in Terezakis (ed), Engaging Agnes Heller: A Critical Companion, Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham, MD, pp. 37–44.

2007. ‘Zygmunt Bauman, Culture and Sociology’, in Edwards (ed), Cultural Theory, Sage Publications, Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore, pp 109–122.

2007. ‘Bauman’s Coat’, in Hviid Jacobsen, Marshman and Tester (eds), Bauman Beyond Postmodernity: Critical Appraisals, Conversations and Annotated Bibliography 1989-2005, Aalborg University Press, Denmark, pp. 375–378.

2007. ‘Socialism’ in Galligan and Roberts (eds), The Oxford Companion to Australian Politics, Oxford University Press Oxford, New York, pp. 552­–555.

2007. ‘Bob Dylan’, The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Vol. VII, Blackwell Publishing USA, UK, Australia, pp. 3503–3504.

2007. ‘Rock ‘n’ Roll’, The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Vol. VII, Blackwell Publishing USA, UK, Australia, pp. 3492–3494.

2007. ‘Jimi Hendrix’, in Ritzer (ed), The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Vol. VII, Blackwell Publishing USA, UK, Australia, p. 3507.

2007. ‘Laborism’, in Ritzer (ed), The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Vol. V, Blackwell Publishing USA, UK, Australia, pp. 2526–2527.

2007. ‘David Roberts and the ‘Eleventh Thesis’’, in Magerski, Savage, and Weller (eds), Moderne begreifen: Zur Paradoxie eines sozio-asthetischen Deutungsmusters, Deutscher Universitats-Verlag, Germany, pp 7–10.

2006. ‘Calhoun’s Critical Theory’, in Beilharz (ed), Postwar American Critical Thought, Sage, London, pp. 238–426.

2006. ‘Editor’s Introduction’, in Beilharz (ed), Postwar American Critical Thought, Sage, London, pp. 17–30.

2006. ‘De verdener vi skaber’, in Hviid Jacobsen and Poder (eds), Om Bauman, Hans Reitzels, Copenhagen, pp. 47–68.

2006. ‘The State of Social Sciences in Australia’, with T. Hogan, in Sareen (ed), Australia and India: Interconnections – Identity, Representation, Belonging, Mantra, New Delhi, pp. 298–314.

2006. ‘Robert Hughes and the Provincialism Problem’, in Beilharz and Manne (eds) Reflected Light: La Trobe Essays, Melbourne, Black Inc, pp. 90–111.

2006. ‘Introduction’, with T. Hogan, in Beilharz and Hogan (eds) Sociology: Place, Time and Division, South Melbourne, Oxford University Press, pp. 15–22.

2006. ‘The Sixties and Seventies’, in Beilharz and Hogan (eds) Sociology: Place, Time and Division, South Melbourne, Oxford University Press, pp. 192–197.

2006. ‘The Australian Settlement and the New Century’, in Beilharz and Hogan (eds) Sociology: Place, Time and Division, South Melbourne, Oxford University Press, pp. 442–445.

2006. ‘Nations and Nationalism in Australia and New Zealand’, with L. Cox, in Delanty and Kumar (eds) The Sage Handbook of Nations and Nationalism, Thousand Oaks, Sage, pp. 555–564.

2006. ‘The Worlds we Make – Fabric, Camp and Polis in Zygmunt Bauman’s Critical Theory’, in Hviid Jacobsen and Poder (eds) Om Bauman – Kritiske Essays (On Bauman – Critical Essays), Copenhagen, Hans Reitzels Forlag, pp. 47–68.

2005. ‘The State of Social Sciences in Australia’, with T. Hogan, in Germov and McGee (eds) Histories of Australian Sociology, Carlton, Melbourne University Press, pp. 387–417.

2005. ‘Imagining the Antipodes’, in Butler (ed) Radical Revisionism, Sydney, Institute of Modern Art, pp. 67–72.

2005. ‘Postmodern Socialism Revisited’, in Hayden and El-Ojeili (eds) Confronting Globalization, New York, Palgrave, pp. 23–33.

2005. ‘Alienation’, in G. Ritzer (ed) Encyclopedia of Social Theory, Volume One, Thousand Oaks, Sage, pp. 9–10.

2005. ‘Bauman’, in G. Ritzer (ed) Encyclopedia of Social Theory, Volume One, Thousand Oaks, Sage, pp. 35–40.

‘Gramsci’, in G. Ritzer (ed) Encyclopedia of Social Theory, Volume One, Thousand Oaks, Sage, pp. 343–4;

‘Marx’, in G. Ritzer (ed) Encyclopedia of Social Theory, Volume Two, Thousand Oaks, Sage, pp. 473–8.

‘Marxism’, in G. Ritzer (ed) Encyclopedia of Social Theory, Volume Two, Thousand Oaks, Sage, pp. 478–483.

‘Postmarxism’, in G. Ritzer (ed) Encyclopedia of Social Theory, Volume Two, Thousand Oaks, Sage, pp. 578–581.

‘Revolution’, in G. Ritzer (ed) Encyclopedia of Social Theory, Volume Two, Thousand Oaks, Sage, pp. 641–645.

‘Socialism’, in G. Ritzer (ed) Encyclopedia of Social Theory, Volume Two, Thousand Oaks, Sage, pp. 769–772.

2003. ‘Sociological Theory’, in I. McAllister, S. Dowrick and R. Hassan (eds), The Cambridge Handbook of Social Sciences in Australia, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 654–55.

2002. ‘Bauman’s Modernity’, in Beilharz (ed), Zygmunt Bauman, Sage, vol. 1, pp. xi–xxxi.

2002. ‘Bauman’s Moderne’, in M. Junge and T. Kron (eds) Zygmunt Bauman, Stuttgart, Leske and Budrich, pp. 257–274.

2002. ‘Social Self, Global Culture: How to use this Book’ (with T. Hogan), in Beilharz and Hogan (eds), Social Self, Global Culture, South Melbourne, Oxford University Press, pp. 1–7.

2002. ‘Economy and Government’, in Beilharz and Hogan (eds), Social Self, Global Culture, South Melbourne, Oxford University Press, pp. 204–222.

2002. ‘Nation: Experiences and Explanations’, in Beilharz and Hogan (eds), Social Self, Global Culture, South Melbourne, Oxford University Press, pp.

2001. ‘The Journey Never Ends – An Interview with Zygmunt Bauman’, in Beilharz (ed), The Bauman Reader, Blackwell, pp. 334–344. Reprinted in Beilharz (ed), Zygmunt Bauman, Sage, 2002, vol. 1, pp. 27–37.

2000. ‘Postmodernism and Citizenship’ in Hudson and Kane (eds) Rethinking Australian Citizenship, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 37–44.

1999. ‘On the Rationality of Evil: An Interview with Zygmunt Bauman’, Thesis Eleven, 2002, no. 70, pp. 100–112. Reprinted in Beilharz (ed), Zygmunt Bauman, 2002, vol. 2, pp. 250–271. (translation of 25 above)

1999. ‘Über die Rationalität des bosen: Interview mit Zygmunt Bauman’, with Harald Welzer, in H. Welzer, Auf den Trümmern der Geschichte, Tübingen Edition Diskord, pp. 91–125.

1999. ‘Bernard Smith’, in E. Cashmore and C. Rojek (eds) Dictionary of Cultural Theorists, London, Arnold, pp. 433–434.

1999. ‘Globalização, bem-estar e cidadania’ in F. Oliveira and M. Célia Paoli (ed) Os Sentidos da Democracia, Petrópolis, Editora Vozes, pp. 177–205. Reprinted in Beilharz (ed), Zygmunt Bauman, 2002, vol. 3, pp. 396–407.

1999. ‘McFascism? Reading Ritzer, Bauman and the Holocaust’, in B. Smart (ed), Resisting McDonaldization, London, Sage, ch. 14.

1998. ‘Transforming the Left: the End of the Party?’, in D. Lovell et al, The Australian Political System, 2nd edition, South Melbourne, Longman, pp. 316–319.

1998. ‘Civilizing Capitalism? Game Over, Insert Coins’, in H. Bolitho and C. Wallace-Crabbe (eds) Approaching Australia, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, pp. 217–223.

1997. ‘Globalising the Antipodes?’, in M. Booth and T. Hogan (eds) Ambivalence and Hope, Perth, ISTP, pp. 13–22 and 203–205.

1996. ‘Economy and Government’ and ‘Nation’ in A. Kellehear (ed) Social Self Global Culture, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 203–212, 213–220.

1995. ‘Vere Gordon Childe and Social Theory’, in T. Irving, G. Melleuish and P. Gathercole (eds) Childe and Australia: Archaeology, Politics and Ideas, St Lucia, Queensland University Press, pp. 162–182 and 236–239.

1995. ‘What Does Citizenship Mean Today?’, in D. Lovell (ed) The Australian Political System, Longman, pp. 238–239.

1995. ‘Critical Theory: Jürgen Habermas’, in D. Roberts (ed) Reconstructing Theory, Melbourne, Melbourne University Press, pp. 39–64, 119–122.

1994. ‘Labour History and Social Theory’, in T. Irving (ed), Challenges to Labour History, Sydney, New South Wales University Press, pp. 63–74.

1994. ‘Socialism by the Back Door’, in B. Attwood (ed) Labour Histories, Monash History Publications, vol. 17, pp. 43–50.

1994. ‘Theories of History: Agnes Heller and R.G. Collingwood’, in J. Burnheim (ed) Essays for Agnes Heller, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp. 121–135.

1994. ‘Labor: The New Conservatives?’, in B. Costar (ed) For Better or Worse: The Federal Coalition, Melbourne, Melbourne University Press, pp. 41– 46.

1993. ‘Republicanism and Citizenship’, in D. Carter and W. Hudson (eds), The Republicanism Debate, Sydney, New South Wales University Press, pp. 109–117.

1992. ‘Between Bolshevism and Democracy’ and ‘The Life and Times of Social Democracy’, in P. Beilharz et al (eds) Between Totalitarianism and Postmodernity, pp. 3–11, 54–68.

1992. ‘Introduction’, in P. Beilharz (ed) Social Theory, Sydney, Allen and Unwin, pp. 1–12.

1992. ‘Althusser’, in P. Beilharz (ed) Social Theory, Sydney, Allen and Unwin, pp. 13–19.

1992. ‘Marx’, in P. Beilharz (ed) Social Theory, Sydney, Allen and Unwin, pp. 168–174.

1992. ‘Weber’, in P. Beilharz (ed) Social Theory, Sydney, Allen and Unwin, pp. 224–230.

1991. ‘Labor and the State’, with J. Murphy, in M. Muetzelfeldt (ed), Society Politics and the State in Australia, Sydney, Pluto, pp. 164–187.

1989. ‘The Labourist Tradition and the Reforming Imagination’, in R. Kennedy (ed), Australian Welfare: Historical Sociology, Sydney, Macmillan, pp. 132–153.

1988. ‘A Hundred Flowers Faded’, in V. Burgmann and J. Lee (eds) Staining the Wattle: A People’s History, Ringwood, Penguin, vol.4, pp. 164–172.

1976. ‘Australia’, Yearbook on International Communist Affairs, Hoover, Stanford, pp. 231–238.

Online Publications

2021 'John Curtin - Socialism, South by Southwest', Labour History Melbourne website, 19 February,

2021 'My Own Private Utopia', Thesis Eleven website, 29 June, 


(forthcoming November) 2023. Chain, Toward the Blues, London, Bloomsbury (33.3 Monograph Series)

(forthcoming) 2023. (ed.) Alastair Davidson – Gramsci in Australia, Leiden, Brill: Historical Materialism Series.

(forthcoming June) 2023. The Photographs of Zygmunt Bauman, (ed. with Janet Wolff), Manchester, University of Manchester Press.

2022. The Work of History: Writing for Stuart Macintyre, (ed. with Sian Supski) Melbourne, Melbourne University Press.

2020. Intimacy in Postmodern Times – A Friendship with Zygmunt Bauman, Manchester University Press.

2020. Circling Marx – Essays 1980-2017, Leiden, Brill, Historical Materialism Series.

2015. (with Trevor Hogan and Sheila Shaver) The Martin Presence. UNSWP.

2014. Thinking the Antipodes, Monash University Press.

2012. Sociology: Antipodean Perspectives, co-edited with Trevor Hogan, Oxford University Press, South Melbourne, 2nd edition.

2009. Socialism and Modernity, Minnesota University Press, Minneapolis.

2006. Reflected Light: La Trobe Essays, co-edited with Robert Manne, Black Inc., Melbourne.

2006. Sociology: Place, Time and Division, co-edited with Trevor Hogan, Oxford University Press, South Melbourne.

2006. Postwar American Critical Thought, Editor, Sage, Thousand Oaks, four volumes.

2002. Zygmunt Bauman – Masters of Social Thought, Editor, Sage, London, four volumes.

2002. Social Self, Global Culture: An Introduction to Sociological Ideas, co-edited with T. Hogan, South Melbourne, Oxford University Press.

2001. The Bauman Reader, Editor, Blackwell.

2000. Zygmunt Bauman: Dialectic of Modernity, Sage.

1998. Fabianism and Feminism, co-edited with C. Nyland, Aldershot, Ashgate.

1997. Imagining the Antipodes: Culture, Theory and the Visual in the Work of Bernard Smith, Melbourne, Cambridge University Press. Shortlisted for the Australian Cultural Studies Prize, 1997, and the N.S.W. Premier’s Prize, 1999.

1994. Postmodern Socialism: Romanticism, City and State, Melbourne, Melbourne University Press.

1994. Transforming Labor: Labour Tradition and the Labor Decade, Sydney, Cambridge University Press.

1992. Between Totalitarianism and Postmodernity, co-edited with G. Robinson and J. Rundell, Boston, MIT.

1992. Social Theory: A Guide to Central Thinkers, Editor, Sydney, Allen and Unwin.

1992. Arguing About the Welfare State: The Australian Experience, Sydney, Allen and Unwin, co-authored with M. Considine and R. Watts.

1992. Labour’s Utopias: Bolshevism, Fabianism, Social Democracy, London and New York, Routledge paperback, 1993. 2nd edition, 2018

1987. Trotsky, Trotskyism and the Transition to Socialism, London, Croom Helm; New Jersey, Rowman and Littlefield. 2nd edition, 2019.